Sacraments and Special Services
Baptism and Confirmation
We invite all who wish to be baptized and those who wish to be confirmed to speak with our Rector, The Rev. Elizabeth Henry-McKeever, for more information on dates, preparations, and requirements. Baptisms are held approximately 4 times a year, and confirmation occurs at the bishop’s annual visit.
It goes by several names: Holy Communion, the Eucharist (which literally means "thanksgiving"), the Lord’s Supper, the Mass. But whatever its formal name, this is the family meal for Christians and a foretaste of the heavenly banquet. At Saint Michael’s everyone, regardless of denomination, is invited to receive the bread and wine of Holy Communion.
Congratulations on your engagement! Please speak with our Rector, The Rev. Elizabeth Henry-McKeever, for more information on holding a service at the church and wedding preparations. For your planning: at least 30 days’ notice is usually required. Divorced persons may be married with permission from our bishop.
Other requirements include several sessions of pre-marital counseling, at least 1 member of the couple being a baptized Christian, and a service following the authorized marriage liturgy of the Episcopal Church. If an Episcopal marriage service is not for you, we can help you make other arrangements.
Everyone deserves loving care in death. We are honored to support you and your loved ones as you plan a meaningful funeral. The burial service in the Book of Common Prayer is beautiful, and able to hold the weight of our shared grief. In the liturgy we commend the soul of the faithful departed unto God, give thanks for the life they have lived, and celebrate the resurrection promised to us by Jesus Christ.
We also have a peaceful Columbarium on our property that is available as a final resting place for cremated remains. Please speak with our Rector, The Rev. Elizabeth Henry-McKeever, for more information about planning a funeral service.