Membership Information
We’re not formal about these kinds of things, but if you want to become a member, the general steps are:
Come to worship
Talk with a clergy person
Tell us you want to be a member
Join our email list and directory (submit your info below)
Practice your faith among us
Our community has pretty porous boundaries, and we don’t police who’s “in” or “out.”
If you’re already an Episcopalian, you’ll need to talk with your current or previous parish to request a letter of transfer.
We officially welcome new members during worship about twice a year.
We ask members to:
Come to worship as often as you can. Christianity is a group project, and we need one another for genuine holy-common-union.
Get to know at least one person in the community. Our relationships matter, and they’re worth the initial awkwardness.
Find your ministry. Ideally, serving beyond the walls of the church. It does not have to be fancy or impressive, just faithful. If you need help deciding, ask! We’d love to help you discover the gifts and calling you’re being invited into in a new season.
Pledge something. Your financial gift is an investment that means we will be here in the future. According to our canons (church rules), pledging also makes you a member in good standing of the congregation. That means you can vote in parish meetings.
Make amends. WHEN the church disappoints you (not if), seek out the offending person and talk with them in a spirit of love. The world needs our witness of loving relationships in and through conflict.
Be church for each other. We don’t go to church, we are the Church. When we gather, we make church happen with and for each other. Explore how you can participate in our common life through this quiz. Liturgical Ministries Quiz
Membership Form
Please complete the form below so we can record your membership and add you to the parish directory.